Tuesday, October 6, 2015

GlyphView: Stale view: javax.swing.text.BadLocationException: Length must be positive

In this article I will show you, how you can get rid of the "GlyphView: Stale view: javax.swing.text.BadLocationException: Length must be positive" exception in JAVA Swing's JTextPane

If you are trying to develop your own cool text editor based on the JTextPane component, you probably have seen the message, which actually tells you, that you are trying to work with some incorrect offset/length combination.

The cause of the situation may be on your side and you should be sure for example, that you do modify the JTextPane's content only from the Dispatch thread (SwingUtilities.invokeLater is your friend).

If you are "pretty sure", that you do everything in the right way and your program keeps to fail with the BadLocationException, you can try the following workaround:

You will need your own implementations of the JTextPane, EditorKit and StyledDocument. You can put them all to one single class.
public class SCADTextPane extends JTextPane {

  private class Document extends DefaultStyledDocument {

    public void getText(int _offset, int _length, Segment _txt) {
        System.out.println("Getting rid of negative length "+_length);
      try {
        super.getText(_offset, Math.max(_length, 0), _txt);
      } catch (Exception _e) {
        Logger.logError(new Exception("Offset/length/text: " + _offset + "/" + _length));

  private class Kit extends StyledEditorKit {

    public Document createDefaultDocument() {
      return new Document();

  public EditorKit createDefaultEditorKit() {
    return new Kit();

You can easily see, what makes the magic. You just grab the _length parameter of the getText() method and make sure that it's value is positive. You can of course do the similar with the _offset parameter.

Hope this will help you.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cooley–Tukey FFT algorithm

In this article I will show you, how you can compute the Cooley–Tukey FFT algorithm using the pure JAVA language.

If you are trying to work with some kind of signal analysis, you have probably learned that the FFT is the most widely used technique to extract the frequency spectrum from a signal.

You have of course many options to get some working FFT library. But some of them are licensed, and some of them are not easy to use nor well documented. If you want only to do some simple experiments with the FFT, you can freely use the code which I share On code.google.com. Once you add the FFTCooleyTukey class to your project, you can use it as follows:

    int SAMPLE_SIZE=1024;
    double[][] sample = new double[2][SAMPLE_SIZE];
    double[][]fftValues = new double[2][SAMPLE_SIZE];
    double[][]ifftValues = new double[2][SAMPLE_SIZE];
    //Read values and zero the imaginary part
    for(int i=0;i<SAMPLE_SIZE;i++){
    System.out.println("\nOrig: "+Arrays.toString(sample[0]));
    try {
      fft.fft(sample, fftValues);
      System.out.println("FFT amplitudes: "+Arrays.toString(fftValues[0]));
      //Ask for aprticular frequency components
      System.out.println("200Hz component: "+fftValues[0][(int)Math.round(fft.getIndexOf(200))]);
      System.out.println("500Hz component: "+fftValues[0][(int)Math.round(fft.getIndexOf(500))]);
      System.out.println("IFFT amplitudes: "+Arrays.toString(ifftValues[0]));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      Logger.getLogger(TunerPitchAnalyzer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

Usage examples:
You can for example simply find the fftValues[0] for an index which holds the highest value and directly take the signal's base frequency like this:
    nFreq = fft.getFreq(maxIndex);

Or you can build a simple equalizer. Just multiply correspondent values in the fftValues[0] with a gain coefficient. The signal restored with the ifft() will then reflect the changes in the frequency spectrum.

Fill free to download the source on href="https://code.google.com/p/fft-processor/source/browse/trunk/FFTCooleyTukey.java

Hope this will help you.